A slot is a rectangular opening in a container. In hockey, a slot is located on the blue line and extends toward the goal. The term is also used to describe the fourth position in a flying display. Its origins can be traced back to the German word for “slot,” which is sleutan. The word is cognate with the French slit. A person may also refer to a slot as a file or angel.
A slot is an authorization for aircraft to land and take off at a particular airport. It’s a management tool for crowded airports, and helps ensure that there are not overlapping flights. It’s also a great way to prevent repeated delays and other problems caused by several aircraft using the same runway. However, it’s important to know your slot rights before you can fly. Once you’ve got your license, you can apply for one at any airport.
You can even get a job as a slot-operator. A SLOT’s job is to help manage the airport’s air traffic. In a busy airport, having slots for each type of airplane will prevent a lot of unnecessary delays and conflicts between flights. A SLOT is often a guy, but you can also be a girl. A SLOT spends an average of 70 hours a week in front of a screen, and this is not a good thing.